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Accessibility review

Accessibility refers to the same concept in digital services as it does in the physical world. In the Web Accessibility Directive, accessibility refers to the concept of websites, mobile applications and their content being usable by and understandable to everyone.

Such principles, techniques and methods that ensure accessibility of services on different terminal and assistive devices should be used when designing digital services.

In practice, technical accessibility requirements are based on WCAG 2.1 guidelines (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), as applicable. WCAG 2.1 is a international technical guideline on how to implement accessibility in online services. WCAG criteria has been divided into three levels of conformance: A, AA and AAA. The requirements of the Web Accessibility Directive are based on level A and AA criteria.

Accessibility review of the Employment Fund

This accessibility statement concerns the Employment Fund’s website at www.tyollisyysrahasto.fi and was prepared on 12 August 2019. The accessibility of this digital service was assessed by the Employment Fund (content) Innofactor Oy (technical implementation) and Viestintätoimisto Kumppania Oy (colours). The website was published on 1 January 2019.

State of the accessibility of digital service

The Employment Fund’s website fulfils critical A & AA accessibility requirements.

Non-accessible content of digital service

Defects in content
Difficult terms in the text and defects caused by a human error.
PDF publications on the Investors page (including annual and semi-annual reports) published before September 23rd 2018 have not been prepared according to accessibility requirements.

Inaccessible content and its defects
The Employment Fund wants to create accessible content for its website, including comprehensible text. We seek to write clear text about our topic areas. Sometimes comprehensibility is impaired by difficult terms, which are based on law. We try to explain their meaning as clearly as possible.

The Investors page contains (among another things) the annual and semi-annual reports of the two former funds for the past 10 years in PDF format (the current Employment Fund was created by the merger of the Unemployment Insurance Fund and the Education Fund on 1 January 2019). According to the view requested from Regional State Administrative Agency, the PDF files published on or after September 23rd 2018 had to be made accessible in accordance to the Web Accessibility Directive.

Please contact us if you notice defects in the accessibility of content (see contact details below). We are constantly developing the content of our website.

How can the information/servece be accessed by alternative means?
In addition to out website, you can access the necessary information by calling or sending e-mail to our customer service. If have questions about unemployment insurance contributions, you can also contact our online customer service.

Benefits for adult students: +358 75 757 0505 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 12 noon on weekdays.
Unemployment insurance contributions: +358 75 757 0500 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays.
Switchboard: +358 9 6803 7380 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 4.15 p.m. on weekdays.

Send e-mail to
Benefits for adult students: koulutusetuudet@tyollisyysrahasto.fi
Unemployment insurance contributions: vakuutusmaksut@tyollisyysrahasto.fi

We recommend that you send any e-mails containing confidential information over a secure connection at https://secure.tyollisyysrahasto.fi/

The Employment Fund’s online service for unemployment insurance contributions is available at:

Did you notice an accessibility defect in our digital service? Tell us about the defect and we will do our best to correct it

Send e-mail to

Switchboard: +358 9 6803 7380 / ask to connect to the communication expert

Supervisory authority

If you notice accessibility problems on the website, first send feedback to the website administrator. It may take 14 days until you receive a reply. If you do not get a reply within two weeks or are not satisfied with it, you can send the feedback to the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency. The website of the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency contains detailed information on how to file a complaint and how the matter is processed.

Supervisory authority’s contact details
Accessibility supervision unit
E-mail: saavutettavuus(at)avi.fi
Telephone: switchboard +358 295 016 000
www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fi (in Finnish)

Further information on filing an accessibility complaint, for example: https://www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fi/oikeutesi/ (in Finnish)


We constantly work to improve accessibility.

Accessibility statement of the Employment Fund’s online service for unemployment insurance contributions

This accessibility statement the online service for unemployment insurance contributions and was prepared on 12 August 2019. The information in this statement is based on self-assessment. The online service was published on 15 October 2018.

State of the accessibility of digital service

Digital service meets the accessibility requirements for the most part.

Non-accessible content of digital service

Technical defects
Use of screen reader programs and voice control

Inaccessible content and it´s defects
There are defects in marking contents and structure in HTML semantics, so the service is not fully available with the service user’s screen reader programs.

How can the information/service be accessed by alternative means?
You can receive the necessary information by calling or sending e-mail to our customer service.

+358 75 757 0500 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays.
Switchboard: +358 9 6803 7380 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 4.15 p.m. on weekdays.

Send e-mail to

We recommend that you send any e-mails containing confidential information over a secure connection at https://secure.tyollisyysrahasto.fi/

Accessibility requirements not fulfilled
There are defects in the implementation of text-to-speech, i.e. the service is not fully available to visually impaired service users who use a text-to-speech program.

Reason for non-compliance
Implementing the change in the existing service would impose an unreasonable strain on the service provider’s activities. The function is both laborious and expensive to implement, considering the nature and scope of the service provider’s activities. The information/services can also easily be offered to the service user by phone or via other service channels.

Defects in content
PDF documents

Inaccessible content and it´s defects
The service contains decisions and invoices in PDF format. The documents are clear and comprehensible.

The comprehensibility of the text in the service is constantly being developed.

How can the information/service be accessed by alternative means?
PDF documents are also delivered to the service user by mail or appended to an e-invoice. They can also be printed.

You can receive the necessary information by calling or sending e-mail to our customer service.

+358 75 757 0500 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays.
Switchboard: +358 9 6803 7380 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 4.15 p.m. on weekdays.

Send e-mail to

We recommend that you send any e-mails containing confidential information over a secure connection at https://secure.tyollisyysrahasto.fi/

Accessibility requirements not fulfilled
The decision documents are in PDF format, which may impair accessibility for service users with impaired visibility.

Reason for non-compliance
For information security and cost reasons, the decision documents cannot be converted to another format.


Did you notice an accessibility defect in our digital service? Tell us about the defect and we will do our best to correct it

Send e-mail to

Switchboard: +358 9 6803 7380 / ask to connect to service development


Supervisory authority

If you notice accessibility problems on the website, first send feedback to the website administrator. It may take 14 days until you receive a reply. If you do not get a reply within two weeks or are not satisfied with it, you can send the feedback to the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency. The website of the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency contains detailed information on how to file a complaint and how the matter is processed.

Supervisory authority’s contact details
Accessibility supervision unit
E-mail: saavutettavuus(at)avi.fi
Telephone: switchboard +358 295 016 000
www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fi (in Finnish)

Further information on filing an accessibility complaint, for example:
https://www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fi/oikeutesi/ (in Finnish)


We constantly work to improve accessibility!

Accessibility in the online service for adult student benefits

This accessibility statement concerns the online service for adult student benefits and was prepared on 17 August 2021 and last updated on 8 April 2022. The accessibility of the online service has been assessed by the Employment Fund in cooperation with an external expert on accessibility.

The online service was published on 1 August 2020.

State of the accessibility of digital service

The digital service does not meet most of the critical A & AA accessibility requirements (WCAG 2.1). The online service is an entity consisting of technically separate applications of different ages, which is why the accessibility of the service varies from one area of the service to another.

Non-accessible content of digital service

Listed below is the content that is not yet accessible:

  • The initial application for adult education allowance and follow-up application
  • Payment application for adult education allowance
  • Sending and receiving a message

The following shortcomings are repeated in the contents identified above:

Problem identified WCAG Schedule for repair

The keyboard cannot be used to navigate to the selections of the application.

2.1.1 (A)

By 31 December 2022

There are shortcomings in the headers that make it difficult to use the service.

Heading styles are not separated from structural headers.

1.3.1 (A)
2.4.6 (AA)
By 31 December 2022

PDF files

The closing documents are in PDF format. This may impair accessibility for service users with impaired visibility.

  By 31 December 2022

How can the information/service be accessed by alternative means?

If you are unable to use the online service, you can contact us in other ways. You can contact the fund's customer service or visit our office on site.

075 757 0505 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays
Switchboard: 09 6803 7380 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 4.15 p.m. on weekdays

Send e-mail to

We recommend that you send any e-mails containing confidential information over a secure connection at https://secure.tyollisyysrahasto.fi/

Did you notice an accessibility defect in our digital service? 

Please let us know if there are any accessibility deficiencies and we will do our best to address the deficiency.

Send e-mail to

Switchboard: 09 6803 7380 / ask to connect to a benefit specialist (etuusasiantuntija)

Supervisory authority

If you notice accessibility problems on the website, first send feedback to the website administrator. It may take 14 days until you receive a reply. If you do not get a reply within two weeks or are not satisfied with it, you can send the feedback to the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency. The website of the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency contains detailed information on how to file a complaint and how the matter is processed.

Supervisory authority’s contact details

Accessibility supervision unit
E-mail: saavutettavuus(at)avi.fi
Telephone: switchboard 0295 016 000

More information on the conclusion of an accessibility, among other things: https://www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fi/oikeutesi/ (in Finnish)

We constantly work to improve accessibility!

Page updated: 9/9/2024